Sat, 30 Sep 2017

Upgrading android on Nexus 6P

In order to upgrade a rooted Nexus 6P:

The codename for this device is "angler".

  • Download the image.
  • Follow section 9 of this guide.
    • Plug the USB cable in and on a windows terminal check the connection:
      • adb devices
    • Boot into bootloader by holding down power and volume down for five seconds or so and check the connection
      • fastboot devices
    • Flash TWRP if it is not already there. Follow the guide. See this guide too.
    • NOTE that in order to boot into recovery mode the USB cable probably needs to be disconnected.
    • Install Magisk from this guide.
      • Copy the magisk zip file with "adb push G:\g\n6p\ /mnt/sdcard"

[/unix/android] permanent link

Wed, 28 Jan 2015

Debian and conntrack

Keywords: linux debian conntrack

To set up conntrack on debian 6:

# aptitude install conntrack
# modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_max
# cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack
# aptitude install iptstate
# rehash
# iptstate

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Sat, 22 Jun 2013

Postfix and Return-Path

Keywords: linux ubuntu postfix Return-Path Sender From

My family connects to my mail server in order to send mail. But everyone has mail addresses that differ from their login names. On sending mail, postfix would add a Return-Path header matching my username on the mail server. In order to have the correct Return-Path added, I created /etc/postfix/generic with the following content:

And added to /etc/postfix/

smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic

Then run:

# postmap /etc/postfix/generic
# service postfix restart

Passing that mail through another server running exim4, I added the following lines to /etc/exim4/exim4.conf:

untrusted_set_sender = *

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Fri, 27 Jan 2012

Ubuntu and Notion

Keywords: linux ubuntu notion

I use Notion as my window manager under Ubuntu. Notion is a fork of Ion.

Under Ubuntu 11.10 you can set Notion as your default window manager by creating the file /usr/share/xsessions/notion.desktop with the contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session logs you into Notion

Then edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf:


and if you want to automatically login set:


where XXX is your username.

[/unix] permanent link

Tue, 26 Jul 2011 has stopped unexpectedly

With Cyanogenmod I kept getting the message:

"the process has stopped unexpectedly"

when running Market or a music player.

The fix for me was to umount and then remount the SD card.

[/unix/android] permanent link

Wed, 10 Nov 2010

Webalizer and GeoIP

Keywords: Webalizer Geoip database package missing dependency

I was getting the following error message from cron:

Error Opening file /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat

Turns out it was coming from webalizer. It seems that there is a package dependency missing. The solution was fairly simple:

aptitude install geoip-database

[/unix] permanent link

Mon, 28 Jun 2010

Cron on a Linksys WRT54G Router

Keywords: linksys wrt54g router alchemy

Every so often my Linksys WRT54G router will stop accepting connections. The simplest solution is just to reboot it. The trouble occurs when that happens and I am not near the router. So I wanted to set up a cron job to reboot it every night.

ssh into the router and run these commands:

nvram set rc_startup='#!/bin/sh
echo "0 5 * * * root /sbin/reboot" > /tmp/cron.d/reboot
touch /tmp/crontab
nvram commit
nvram get rc_startup

The first four lines set up a startup command which writes the cron line after each reboot, and touches the crontab to get cron to reload. The fifth line commits the command to the nvram and the final command simply prints it out to check.

[/unix] permanent link

Sun, 06 Jun 2010


Keywords: iPhone iTunes error 0xE8000041

If you get the error 0xE8000041 from iTunes when trying to sync apps on the iPhone, you need to run the following command on your iPhone:

# chown mobile:mobile /var/mobile/Applications/

Well, I did anyway. The previous owner was root.wheel. The permissions are 777.

[/unix/iPhone] permanent link

Tue, 20 Apr 2010

Disks and UUIDs

Keywords: linux ubuntu disk mount fstab uuid

Linux likes to use UUIDs nowadays instead to the older /dev/hda1 format. The ways to find the UUID is to run

# blkid

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Thu, 18 Feb 2010

Canon PIXMA MX860 on Ubuntu 9.10

Keywords: Canon PIXMA MX860 ubuntu install

MX860 drivers for printing and scanning can be downloaded from Canon. Uncompress them and cd into the created directory:

$ tar xvzf cnijfilter-mx860series-3.10-1-i386-deb.tar.gz
$ cd cnijfilter-mx860series-3.10-1-i386-deb

Installation is performed by runing the script. The script tries to determine whether to use rpm or dpkg but got confused when it found both on my system. This can be fixed quite easily by forcing the issue:

$ perl -pi.bak -e 's/rpm --version/XXX/'

Then install with:

$ sudo ./

Do exactly the same with the driver for the scanner, scangearmp-mx860series-1.30-1-i386-deb

If the printer is already on the network it can be configured with System -> Administration -> Printing and then clicking on New.

[/unix] permanent link

November 2022
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