Wed, 01 Feb 2006

Recovering SVN bdb Repositories

I looked at a few of my older SVK repositories and found that debian had upgraded bdb under me and so the repositories couldn't be read. The error message was something like:

Berkeley DB error: Berkeley DB error for filesystem /home/pjcj/g/svk/testr/db while opening environment:
DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch: bdb: Program version 4.3 doesn't match environment version

The solution was to find a copy of svnadmin which was statically linked to the older library and use that to help upgrade the repository. While I was there, I moved the remainder of my repositories to fsfs.

I found such an svnadmin binary at after which the sequence of commands is:

$ /path/to/static/svnadmin recover repository
$ /path/to/static/svnadmin dump repository > repository.dmp

At this point you could upgrade your bdb repository if you wanted to. I just blew it away and created a new fsfs repository. (Well, I was a little more careful.)

$ mv repository repository.bdb
$ svnadmin create repository
$ svnadmin load repository < repository.dmp

And then everything worked again.

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Mirroring base

Here's how I set up my base utilities on a new machine. It's not optimal by a long shot, but it's pretty easy.

% aptitude install svk
$ cd ~
$ svk depot --init
$ svk cp http://svk.server/svn/base
$ rm -r base
$ cd g
$ svk co //base/trunk base
$ cd ..
$ ln -s g/base/* g/base/.* .

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Installing SVN::Web

It's really about time I made my SVK repositories public, and as a first step towards that I decided to install SVN::Web. I'm running debian, and since the Perl SVN bindings are such a pain to install I am using the system perl to run SVK. This means that I also need to use the system perl to run SVN::Web.

The first thing I did was to install debian's mod_perl. That wasn't too hard:

# aptitude install libapache2-mod-perl2

and everything still seemed to work. Now the problem is that SVN::Web isn't packaged for debian, so the installation is going to need to be an unholy mix of debian packages and CPAN modules. I decided to try to install as many of the debian packages as I could and install the remainder from CPAN. So, the debian packages I installed were:

# aptitude install libtemplate-perl libpod-coverage-perl \
      libtest-differences-perl libmodule-build-perl libtext-diff-perl \
      libxml-rss-perl libexception-class-perl libtemplate-perl-doc \
      libapache2-request-perl libnumber-format-perl \
      libtemplate-plugin-clickable-perl libemail-find-perl

They might not all be strictly necessary.

Then I needed to install some modules from CPAN:

# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install SVN::Web
cpan> install Exception::Class
cpan> install Devel::StackTrace
cpan> install Template::Plugin::Number::Format
cpan> install Text::Diff::HTML
cpan> install Template::Plugin::Clickable::Email

I had to install Exception::Class from CPAN since the debian version was too old. Without Text::Diff::HTML the process would just sit there eating all the CPU when you asked for HTML diffs. Without Template::Plugin::Clickable::Email the error log filled up saying it wasn't there.

Then I added to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default :

<Directory /var/www/svnweb>
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler SVN::Web

<Directory /var/www/svnweb/css>
    SetHandler default-handler

Then I had to hack on itself to make it work with Apache2. The diff below seems to work for me, though it might well be either overkill or underkill.

--- /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/SVN/	2006-01-30 20:37:46.000000000 +0100
+++ /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/SVN/	2006-01-30 22:50:42.000000000 +0100
@@ -861,15 +861,17 @@
 sub handler {
     eval "
-	use Apache::RequestRec ();
-	use Apache::RequestUtil ();
-	use Apache::RequestIO ();
-	use Apache::Response ();
-	use Apache::Const;
-	use Apache::Constants;
-        use Apache::Request;
+	use Apache2::RequestRec ();
+	use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
+	use Apache2::RequestIO ();
+	use Apache2::Response ();
+	use Apache2::Const;
+	use Apache2::Const;
+        use Apache2::Request;
+    die $@ if $@;
     my $r = shift;
     eval "$r = Apache::Request->new($r)";
     my $base = $r->location;
@@ -921,7 +923,7 @@
     mod_perl_output($cfg, $html);
-    return &Apache::OK;
+    return &Apache2::Const::OK;
 =head1 SEE ALSO

So I battled SVN::Web and debian and I prevailed! You can see the results at svnweb.

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